Film Learning Resource

Music and Cinema

Featured Courses

The Power Of Music In Cinema

4 star

We look at how music can manipulate characters or scenes in films.

How Film Scores Play With Our Brains


See how does music contribute to the emotional weight of the scene.

The Psychological Effect Of Music In Film


Today we look at how/why music works the way it does in your film

How To Use Music In a Film Project


It's important to chose a music track that creates the same emotions, atmosphere, mood.

How Film Scores Play with Our Brains

4 star

Music one of the most important aspects of movies, so how does music contribute to cinema

The Psychological Effect of Music in Film


Today we look at how/why music works the way it does in your film.

The Evolution Of Cinema (1878 - 2017}

4 star

this video I have selected the most popular movies through the history.

A Theory of Film Music

4 star

This video essay is a response to the Every Frame A Painting video, 'The Marvel universe"

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